Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bambam pocket tees

Pada 15 march 2013 kami telah meng releasekan  third design bambam tees iaitu bambam pocket tee. Trending semasa pocket tee telah menjadi inspirasi utk kami membuat satu design dlm koleksi bambam tees. Reka bentuk yg simple iaitu hanya tertumpu pada poket sahaja . Tribal atau bentuk geometrical menjadi pilihan kami dan dimasukkan sedikit unsur2 bambam. Tag diletakkan di bawah kiri poket utk menampakkan sedikit kelainan dan keunikkan daripada koleksi baju2 bambam yg lain..

ready stock 

photoshoot untuk bambam pocket tees

                                                            photo by | AxeArt Photography
                                                                  talent | yuss
                                                                           | halfcab heelflip at palace of justice

yes..we already releasing the third design of bambam tees...this is bambam pocket tees..the simple 1 just let people know our existing at twitter n of course facebook..we wanna make trend at twitter with #bambamapparel and also #wearwithproud that related to our product n to get the tees..its simple as at our official facebook or DM at our official twitter
we will reply your msg as soon as possible..or u can directly 
sms us 014-5256005 (yus)
017-9826664 (arm)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bambam hashtag tees

 yes..we already releasing the second design of bambam tees...this is bambam hashtag tees..the simple 1 just let people know our existing at twitter n of course facebook..we wanna make trend at twitter with #bambamapparel and also #wearwithproud that related to our product n to get the tees..its simple as at our official facebook or DM at our official twitter
we will reply your msg as soon as possible..or u can directly 
sms us 014-5256005 (yus)
017-9826664 (arm)

hey guys meet my friend ady n his ktm duke 690..this picture takken by ayeaxe or axeart photography and it is for our advertising. This show our product is universal..anyone could have it no matter what you do for living or what hobbies you got..

the orange is only for ady as our model for our second design..

thanks for supporting guys..#lokalah

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

BamBam Apparel

Masih lg berkenaan bambam apparel. Since the first launching (unformal)..first design puzzle tees ramai yg berminat dan baru nak spread after 2 weeks dipasaran.. Alhamdulillah.. good news la tu.. so dlm pade proses penjualan product tu kami masih lg berusaha memperbaiki utk tarik lebih ramai lg org beli product ni..

kami ade buat hangtag.. tag pada baju packing barg dlm plastik kedap udara tu..

bnyk jugak mende nak kene buat for business mcm ni..pengalaman baru dlm bidang printing n penat dan puas..puas tu bile kita dpt buat brand sendiri walaupun after unformal launching tuh terjumpa apparel dari luar nama sama tp design itu xmematahkan semangat utk truskan projek ni..menda ni kene minat baru jadik..kalo main acah xacah jea..memg rumit..duit atau modal sgt penting utk permulaan ni..bnyk berabis..kena pandai manage kalo x..hancus..kami bnyk belajar dari org2 lama..otai2 yg dah duk dlm bidang neyh pasal money management tu belajar sendiri..pelan2 kayuh..memg rumit mula2 ni..harap dipermudahkan segala urusan..amin..tu baru crite pasal nak setup product..belum setup studio lg..advertise lg..hehe..bnyk berbagi kerja..tolong menolong..dua2 mainkan peranan masing2..keserasian sgt penting..minat kene same..kpale kene masuk..baru senang nak buat kerja nak jadik boss mengarah org jea kejenye..sebolehnye..jgn la jadik macm tu..memg ramai yg lingkup business berpartner neyh pasal mende neyh..lg satu pasal duit..adik beradik pun boleh berbunuh kalo crite pasal duit beringt la..crite neyh berdasarkan pengalamn sendiri..nak berpartner xboleh ad sifat nak jadik boss..same2 kuli..same2 boss..baru adil..partner koi walaupon muda bertahun2 ngan koi tp diey bgs..boleh trime pendapat koi..boleh share pendapat..boleh bawak berbincang..kire senang la berurusan..(kembang la hidung bile diey bace entry blog koi neyh) hahaha...walaupun koi tua skit dri diey(haha tua sikit xnak kalah).. koi tetap hormat diey...ape2 yg diketangahkan mcm idea or etc koi boleh trima n senang xcrewet..lgpun diey partner merangkap designer..hehe..cmne nak melwannye..haha..

bahagian advertise plak.. kami ad shoot dua model ni..member2 jea..xde bajet nak byr model mahal2 neyh..belom berkemampuan lg..lgpun member2 yg sedia ada neyh pun ramai yg modelnye..photographer pun diorg la bnyk bantu n support kami..thanks rodong..

 baju for him

baju for her

kan..mcm model dah diorg neyh..hehe..xyah carik model yg mahai2 dah..rodong2 is our priority..hehee
next design kami bawak ketengah model lain plak..neyh sambil2 promote member2 yg single neyh..haha..mane yg yea..keke

neyh antara penghargaan dari member yg beli product kami 

thankyou reza;)

next design akan diupdate local product support kami

atau     #bambamapparel 